Vacancy for Short-Term Expert on Policy Making and Evaluation - Jordan

EPLO European Public Law Organization
Πλήρης απασχόληση
April 6 2023

Vacancy for Short-Term Expert on Policy Making and Evaluation - Jordan

Position Title: Expert on Policy Making and Evaluation - Jordan

Duty Station: Amman, Jordan

Department: Department of Technical Cooperation

Type of Appointment: Short-Term. Attractive remuneration package

Date of Entry on Duty: As soon as possible

Deadline for Application: April 23, 2023

The European Public Law Organization (EPLO) is an International Inter-Governmental Organization headquartered in Athens, Greece, whose mission is the promotion of Public Law and Governance around the world, through technical cooperation, training, education and research activities. The EPLO has the Status of Observer at the United Nations General Assembly.

The EPLO is implementing the Project “Support to the Institute of Public Administration of Jordan”, funded by the Government of Italy. The project aims to provide capacity building to the Institute of Public Administration of Jordan (IPA) and support the improvement of Training Programs for Civil Servants in Jordan. The Project will have a duration of 18 months and include as main beneficiaries the Staff of the IPA and Civil Servants in leadership positions in Jordan.

The EPLO is seeking a Short-Term Expert on Policy Making and Evaluation to contribute to the development of the “King Abdullah II Leadership Program” of the IPA.

  • Objectives of the Assignment

The overall objective of this assignment is to support the IPA in the organization of the contents of the training module on “Policy Making and Evaluation”, under the King Abdullah II Leadership Program (Project Activity 1.4).

The Specific Objectives Of This Assignment Are To

  • Develop training materials for the training module “Policy Making and Evaluation”;
  • Deliver the training to the course participants.
  • Description of Work and Indicative Scope of Activities

The expert will liaise with the Key Expert supporting the King Abdullah II Leadership program and with the Head of the IPA leadership centre (IPA/LC). The expert will consult with the Key Expert and with IPA/LC management to develop training materials to cover a total of 18 hours (3 training days). This training module is expected to equip the participants with the necessary skills to develop, monitor and evaluate a policy.

The expected learning outcomes for the participants in this training module, include the following:

  • conceptualize a policy;
  • identifying and recognize the different types and levels of public policy;
  • assessing the economic, social, political and environmental impact of policies.

The expert will develop training materials for the following learning sessions:

  • Public Policies: different types and levels

It is critical for policy makers to know, under the Constitution of Jordan, which types and level of public policies could be designed and enacted to address specific public needs. The participants are supported in understanding how to use different methods for analysing data to establish evidence-based policy solutions.

Learning Objective: by the end of this session, the participants are able to list different types and levels of policies.

  • Conceptualizing a Public Policy

This session introduces the importance of public policies, its goals and expected outcomes by focusing on the concept of market failures and how public policies can address them, including by applying the game theory to public policy analysis. During this session, participants acquire knowledge on international best practices to define a new policy based on an identified market failure.

Learning Objective: by the end of this session, the participants are able to define the specific market failure, designing a policy to address it.

  • Policy Impact

It is very important to monitor/evaluate the implementation of a policy to measure its impact and take corrective measures, when necessary. International best practices suggest that policy makers have to be proficient in considering all implications of a policy before this is implemented. Public policies should attain the desired impact avoiding, at the same time, to create an undesired effect on the economy, the society and the environment. This session gives the opportunity to the participants, including by using practical simulations, to apply the main evaluation methodology used to assess the impact of public policies.

Learning Objective: by the end of this session, the participants are able to list and describe the main policy impact evaluation/monitoring methodologies.

Indicative Outputs And Deliverables

The expert is expected to hold the training and to deliver training kits in Arabic language, comprising the following materials:

  • Review the learning outcomes for this module – listed above – and suggest modifications/improvements, if needed;
  • Review the learning objectives for each session – listed above – and suggest modifications/improvements, if needed. Learning objectives will have to be drafted in terms of what participants will be able to DO by the end of the session, possibly with numerical indicators;
  • Annotated power point presentation to be used during the training;
  • At least 2 practical exercises per training session (with correct answers);
  • A set of 4 or 5 statements to stimulate discussion for each training session;
  • Pre and post-tests: at least 4 multiple choice questions for each training session (with correct replies);
  • Background reading materials (at least 20 pages).
  • Delivery of the Training Module on “Policy Making and Evaluation” in Arabic language.
  • Qualifications of the Expert

Qualifications And Skills

  • Bachelors’ degree (and ideally relevant post-graduate qualifications) in political and social sciences, public policy and management, public administration, human resource management and/or closely related relevant discipline;
  • Proven experience in delivering trainings;
  • High level written & spoken communication & presentation skills in English;
  • Excellent inter-personal communication skills including experience of facilitation of trainings/workshops and presentation;
  • Knowledge of Arabic at mother tongue level.

General Professional Experience

  • Minimum of 10 years of relevant professional experience;
  • Minimum 5 years of experience in development of training programs and capacity building activities.

Specific Professional Experience

  • Proven experience in developing and delivering training on Policy Making and Evaluation.
  • Duration of the Assignment

This assignment will be for a maximum of 9 working days, to be provided over a period of 6 months, from April to September 2023.

Interested candidates are invited to submit their CV in Europass Format and a Cover Letter in English to [email protected] , quoting the title of the Vacancy, by April 16, 2023. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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