Packaging Design Specialist

Πλήρης απασχόληση

This full-time position is located in the Industrial area of Thermi, Thessaloniki.

In this role, you will work on conceptualizing, managing and executing design solutions for primary and secondary FBB and corrugated packaging.

In this role you will:

  • Create and recommend structural design solutions that meet customer requirements for sizing, styling, costing and production methods.
  • Plan, Monitor and trouble-shoot order fulfillment in communication with the client and the production.
  • Prepare printing files according to the technical demands of each printing method.
  • Create and maintain a design documentation/files database system to allow effective file access and management
  • Maintain customer records, including contact and pricing information

Απαραίτητα Προσόντα:


  • Degree in relevant field.
  • 2+ years of design experience
  • Working knowledge of Illustrator, Photoshop or any structural packaging design software.
  • Understanding of design principles and concepts
  • Strong organizational skills and the ability to handle multiple responsibilities


Πώς να εφαρμόσει

Για να υποβάλετε αίτηση για αυτήν την εργασία θα πρέπει να εξουσιοδοτήσετε στον ιστότοπό μας. Εάν δεν έχετε ακόμα λογαριασμό, εγγραφείτε.

Δημοσιεύστε ένα βιογραφικό

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