Purchasing Agent - Buyer

Πλήρης απασχόληση

This is a full-time role for a Purchasing Agent - Buyer at Giovas Group of Brands, located at our new HQ offices in Koropi, Attiki.

As a Purchasing Agent - Buyer, your main responsibility will be to handle our company’s merchandising operations and to ensure that our product listings uphold the quality that characterizes both our private-label and our licensed brand portfolio.
Your role will involve product research with occasional international travel to seek out new products, carry out regular reviews to stay informed about current trends, and conduct negotiations with suppliers to achieve competitive pricing. This position will give you the opportunity to grow your professional knowledge and experience within an inclusive and structured working environment that supports taking initiative and action.


  • Conduct research and comparative evaluation of alternative suppliers for materials & services.

  • Negotiate for the best combination of quality, price, customer service and delivery terms, to ensure vendors’ compliance with company’s requirements, policies and terms of cooperation.

  • Collaborate with company’s departments (Creative / Design, Financial etc).

  • Conduct ongoing research in product cost and quality improvement.

  • Follow up all required actions to ensure on-time availability of new products and their compliance with the defined specifications requirements.

  • Perform markets mapping to identify new opportunities for cost-saving results.

  • Creation and monitoring of Purchases Budget.


  • University degree in Technical, Economic, Business studies or a related field of studies.

  • Master’s Degree or MBA will be considered an asset.

  • At least 3 years of previous working experience in a relevant position, preferably in the soft lines consumer products / merchandising sector.

  • Excellent command of English language, written and oral.

  • Excellent knowledge of MS Office (Outlook, Excel, Word, Powerpoint).

  • Knowledge of financial software, such as SOFTONE, will be considered a plus.

  • Advanced planning & organization skills with emphasis on detail.

  • Very good interpersonal and negotiation skills.

  • Strong analytical & critical thinking.

  • Strong drive to achieve results and accountability.

  • Flexibility and adaptability.

If you believe you are a good fit for this role, we encourage you to apply by sending your CV to [email protected]

Please be advised that we will only contact for an interview the candidates who meet the requirements of the job.

All applications are considered strictly confidential.

Πώς να εφαρμόσει

Για να υποβάλετε αίτηση για αυτήν την εργασία θα πρέπει να εξουσιοδοτήσετε στον ιστότοπό μας. Εάν δεν έχετε ακόμα λογαριασμό, εγγραφείτε.

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