Cyber Security Incident Responder

Nexi Italy
Πλήρης απασχόληση
Job Description

Why join us in 2024?

Think of the digital tools we use daily - from virtual shopping to contactless payments. They're shaping our future. Join us to influence the future of digital banking in an innovative environment. With our global merger, the opportunities for personal growth and collaboration are immense.


If you join us in the role of Cyber Security Incident Responder , this is what you can expect from us :

  • Attractive salary and an overall competitive package
  • Transportation buses
  • Hybrid way of working
  • Medical Plan (Life & Health insurance)
  • Annual Check Up
  • Direct Medical Assistance
  • Equipment needed for the role

About Your Future Role

Before you start working in our CISO team, you will go through well-structured on the job training that will prepare you for your new role. This role provides you with the opportunity to work in a hybrid model, combining work from home and from the office.

Your Key Responsibilities In This Role Will Be

  • Reviewing qualified alerts originating from a compelling and features-rich tech stack
  • Responding to security incidents by defined playbooks and in-line with IR processes
  • Contributing to detection engineering activities by leveraging on network and endpoints telemetry
  • Optimizing existing as well as developing new processes/playbooks aiming at increasing operational efficiency
  • Monitoring and coordinating communication, either in the form of incoming inquiries or incident handling communication
  • Supporting the on-call duty of the Cyber Security Defence Center team as per defined schedule
  • Supporting continuous improvement actions and foster a knowledge sharing mindset

What makes you the best person for this job?

As you read about the role, are you eager to learn more? If so, review the qualifications that fit you for the position. Remember, beyond your skills and experience, it's your potential that sets you up for success in your daily tasks.

Qualifications Needed To Be Successful In This Role

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Information Security, Computer Science or related field
  • A Master’s Degree in Information Security will be considered as an advantage
  • At least 3 years of experience working within SOC, CSIRT, CERT teams as security analyst/incident responder
  • Understanding of the Windows, Linux platforms internals, networking and web security principles
  • Ability to interpret logs originating from a range of security technologies such as EDR, AV, Web Proxies, WAF, IDS, Secure Email Gateway, DLP among others
  • Understanding of a cyberattack lifecycle and associated detection opportunities
  • Familiar with using SOAR-enabling, security incident management systems/ticketing systems
  • Excellent command of English language

Additional skills and experience that would make you stand out:

  • Result oriented, problem solver able to work under pressure and deliver within set deadlines
  • Strong goal-orientation, critical thinking, able to prioritize and work on multiple projects
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, ability to coordinate various stakeholders and teams
  • Commercial sensitivity and client centricity mentality

Apply now!

If this opportunity resonates with you, we'd love to hear from you!

Please apply at your earliest convenience. We'll be reviewing applications continuously and closing the position once we've found the right fit. We are committed to creating a diverse culture where talents from all walks of life can feel like they truly belong.

By exploring this job opening, you're one step closer to joining us. We're excited to learn more about you!



About Us

Are you interested in joining one of Europe's leading PayTech companies?

Do you want to be part of a diverse team, collaborating with colleagues from across Europe? If so, you're in the right place!

Πώς να εφαρμόσει

Για να υποβάλετε αίτηση για αυτήν την εργασία θα πρέπει να εξουσιοδοτήσετε στον ιστότοπό μας. Εάν δεν έχετε ακόμα λογαριασμό, εγγραφείτε.

Δημοσιεύστε ένα βιογραφικό

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