Universtiy Research Institute for the Study of Genetic and Malignant Disorders in Childhood: Post Doctoral position in the Immunobiology and Vaccinology Research Lab, University Research Institute "Ag

12.000 € - 16.000 € / έτος
Universtiy Research Institute for the Study of Genetic and Malignant Disorders in Childhood is looking for a Post Doctoral position in the Immunobiology and Vaccinology Research Lab, University Research Institute "Agia Sofia" Children's Hospital,Athens,Greece

The Immunobiology and Vaccinology Research Laboratory (IVRL) located in te campus of “Aghia Sofia” Children’s Hospital, is a pioneering medical research unit focusing on the study of immune responses following infection and vaccination.

The IVRL group has developed novel immunological methods for individualized evaluation of vaccine-induced immune responses in paediatric populations with immunocompromising and chronic conditions e.g HIV infection, secondary immunodeficiencies, patients with autoimmune diseases etc.

For that purpose, novel methods for the evaluation of antigen-specific memory B and T cell memory have been developed and applied for optimization of personalized interventions in different high risk populations.

Vaccine safety in patients with chronic conditions is also investigated by our group by a systems biology approach including novel biomarkers and transcriptomics that are associated with increased disease activity.

Finally a major interest of our Laboratory is the discovery of novel vaccine candidates for Streptococcus pneumoniae that could overcome the limitations of the currently used pneumococcal vaccines.


The succesful candidate will participate in ongoing clinical studies on the assessment of antigen-specific B and T cell memory by flowcytometry and ELISPOT, the development of opsonophagocytic assays and a systmes biology approach for the study of immune responses following vaccination.


The successful candidate should hold a PhD in immunology/immunobiologya and have experience with the following techniques

ELISA assays

Opsonophagocytic assay


Cell Culture

RNA & DNA extraction

Flow Cytometry

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