Testing & Commissioning Manager (Metro Systems)
Πλήρης απασχόληση
Electrical or Mechanical Engineer with 20 years general experience and at least 10 years’ experience in Metro Systems, Rolling Stock and Depot engineering, testing and commissioning.
Roles & Responsibilities
Electrical or Mechanical Engineer with 20 years general experience and at least 10 years’ experience in Metro Systems, Rolling Stock and Depot engineering, testing and commissioning.
Roles & Responsibilities
- Review the Contractor’s testing & commissioning plans, schedules and strategies for all testing phases (SAT, SIT, SPT and Trial Run).
- Identify areas of improvement in commissioning plans and procedures, implementing best industry practices.
- Oversee the correct execution of the approved testing procedures to ensure that all Metro Systems and Rolling Stock are functioning as per specifications and approved designs.
- Commissioning of the central systems (Signaling and Train Control, Telecommunications, SCADA, etc.) for the Operation Control Center (OCC) and the Emergency Control Room (ECR).
- Ensure that comprehensive records of commissioning activities, test results and system certifications are maintained and properly organized and archived by the Contractor for future reference and compliance purposes.
- Coordinate with the Contractor, Operator, subcontractors and suppliers to ensure smooth integration and commissioning of all Metro Systems and Rolling Stock.
- Identify potential risks during commissioning and work on mitigation plans to minimize impact on project time schedule.
- Ensure all commissioning activities adhere to applicable laws, safety standards and regulations, minimizing risk to workers, passengers and the environment.
- Support the Operator’s assessment of the Safety-related Applications Conditions (SRAC) and the implementation of the hazard mitigations measures.
- Implement quality control measures during testing and commissioning to guarantee that the Metro Systems meet the required standards and performance criteria.
- Organize and coordinate training sessions for EM metro staff and Operator and provide ongoing support during the transition phase to the System Operation.
- Address technical issues and challenges during the commissioning period, collaborating with relevant teams to find effective solutions.
- Ensure the suitable and necessary conditions that will allow the Metro System to enter the Trial Operation phase.
- Facilitate the smooth handover of the commissioned driverless metro system to the Operator (operations team).
- Monitor the performance of the system post-commissioning and address any performance issues that may arise.
Πώς να εφαρμόσει
Για να υποβάλετε αίτηση για αυτήν την εργασία θα πρέπει να εξουσιοδοτήσετε στον ιστότοπό μας. Εάν δεν έχετε ακόμα λογαριασμό, εγγραφείτε.
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